Trudeau Rejects Calls to Use Military to End Protests

new video loaded: Trudeau Rejects Calls to Use Military to End Protests Coronavirus Pandemic: Latest Updates…

Nova Scotia veterinary clinic provides a temporary home to 6 cats displaced by house fire

A house fire earlier this week in Eastern Passage displaced six people, including a couple and…

Macron calls for calm as convoy of protestors nears Paris

Veteran far-right leader Marine Le Pen, hinting at her support for the demonstration in a radio…

‘Theft’: Advocates decry US decision to withhold Afghan funds

President Joe Biden’s decision to effectively seize the Afghan central bank’s funds in the United States…

Mapping the trucker convoy in Ottawa: ‘no one’s leaving here’

The so-called “freedom convoy” that has snarled downtown Ottawa streets is widening its grip on the…